Cuban Film Festival becomes stage for debate on sexism in cinema

A new space dedicated to analyzing sexism in audiovisual productions begins this Tuesday as part of the industry section of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema.

The Business Center of the National Hotel will host for two days the event, designed for participants to acquire skills and knowledge to identify sexism in the mass media, as well as narratives signed by sexism in different audiovisual platforms.

With a critical look at the contents that are produced and consumed today, the intensive course entitled sexismograph, delves into expressions that reproduce gender stereotypes, among other discriminatory features.

The workshop is financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The course will welcome producers, scriptwriters, directors, creators of content in film, television, press, literature, advertising or dramaturgy, students of film, audiovisual or communications, or any other professional, working in the production of content and narratives in their different formats.


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